About Us

Welcome to the Narrow Compass where we create and share resources that point you to the gospel of Christ and enrich your studies. Our Digital Sermon Notebook and Gratitude Journal are the first products to launch us toward this goal, and we hope you love them!
The name Narrow Compass comes from a quote by Archibald Alexander:

All my theology is reduced to this narrow compass - Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. ” 

Our prayer is to continue to share truth and products that benefit your walk with Christ.

Meet Candy & Scarlett

Behind the screen, we’re a sister-in-law duo that love studying theology, asking hard questions, memes, and the outdoors. Our shared ambition is to make diving into the word of God easier and enriching regardless of the stage of life you’re in. We pray the resources we’ve made point you to Christ.

Scarlett has her degree in Web design and development, but enjoys most of her time staying at home and raising her two children Jethro and Violet. She’s married to an amazing man and Chiropractor, Luke, who loves to serves his community well. Scarlett is part of her local church’s women’s council and prays the opportunity allows her to continue to serve and pour out into other women as they pursue Christ together. Her biblical views are Reformed Baptist (soli Deo gloria) and her simple joys include: homemade hot cocoa, a good show, gardening, and a good comfort meal.

Candy currently works as a senior mechanical & structural designer in addition to flipping houses with her wonderful husband, Brandon. She’s an active member of her local church & community in addition to running an online theology & apologetics ministry. Her broad theological background has helped push her to seek the truth of the Gospel & Scripture as a whole, and now finds her perspectives best summed up as “Reformed-leaning Baptist”. Her passions include: Jesus, theology, books, coffee, & the great outdoors.